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Artist in Residence - Brisons Veor

In January 2019 I spent a week at Brisons Veor in Cornwall. It was during the run up to Brexit and I felt compelled to send every MP (650 in total) a luggage label containing a word of caution during their decision making.    Words like "measured", "fair" and "contemplate" were typed on paper and attached to each label. I only left the remote cottage once a day to buy a newspaper, knowing that there would be plenty of articles to read.  I read them during my lunch and dinner breaks. I took the articles which related to Brexit and cut them out using a dye cutter. Working on the idea of the "butterfly effect" where things that happen in one place have an affect on another, I used this image to embellish the labels. They were printed, painted, embellished and layered so that every MP received a unique label.    

IMG_1082 copy 2.jpg

The labels were sent anonymously but I was able to confirm that they had arrived as a journalist called Tom Harwood tweeted about them. 

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